Afro Classics Register’s (ACR) journey began in 2017 following a small gathering of Afro Caribbean Classic Sports Car Club (ACCSCC) enthusiasts, on the outskirts of the Bromley Pageant of Motoring, led by Raymax Blackwood.
This convergence of a handful of engaging African and Caribbean car enthusiasts was a standout moment on many levels.
It led to the creation of Afro Classics Register which is focussed on Driving for Change and social and economic mobility.
Whilst most car clubs present at Bromley Pageant of Motoring were dedicated to a particular brand of car, we had a small but diverse range of classic cars and we were open, ooze of fun and entertainment – for some we seemed to be having a party, food and music being pre-requisites for any African or Caribbean gathering.
As people passed by, they seemed to conclude that we were “the black car club”. For many others the club vibe was a welcome change from the boring and macho atmosphere of traditional clubs; we represented what many from within our community have always wanted from their car club and for others it raised the question, “why do they need a black car club”. However, for more open-minded skin colour was not the primary feature it was the relaxed atmosphere. As the day progressed, it would appear that we had become the talk of the event for many people.
Increasingly, we were inundated with visitors of African & Caribbean descent overjoyed to learn of the existence of the group. We comfortably flaunted our cultural identity without apology or feeling a sense of non-conformance. Some people who had brought their cars to independently display began to approach us to see if they could display with us – the need to put in place a formal governance and leadership structure was identified.